Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween 2006

As we countdown to the big day, I couldn't help but look back a little to last year's festivities. It was a monumental year for a couple reasons:

1. Dalton didn't want to be a pirate (he had been a pirate in some form for three consecutive years out of his 6 year life)

2. It was the year that Dane figured out what Halloween was all about. (He was 2) It was fun to watch him take it all in and come to understand the fun of Halloween.

Now that Darren is Dr. Candy Nazi, we are on our 3rd year of "Great Pumpkin" visits. Essentially, they trade their candy for toys and the giant gourd gives their candy to less fortunate children. I wonder when they'll catch on and we'll have to let them learn to self-ration their candy. I know that as a child I would hoard my candy and still have some left by the time Easter rolled around and we got a new batch. So maybe we underestimate their restraint.

So here's a look at last year's costumes . . .

This is little Daners as a pirate. He wanted to be Thomas, but when it came down to the wire he refused to wear the cumbersome get-up. We resorted to the good old pirate standby. He wouldn't even wear the hat for pictures, but he was cute anyway.

Here is Zorro at the school carnival. He sure felt cool - you could tell from his strut. What is it about the costume alter ego that makes you so silly?

I actually dressed up last year - which I love to do but haven't done so much since I had the kiddos. This is my friend Maegan, prego with her little Kieran and glowing. It was hard to recognize her in the wig.

Here is Karalenn Hippen - Halloween Queen! I wish I had a picture of her full costume. I'm sure her blog will show it somewhere. It was phenomenal and entirely handmade. She based it on the "Twilight" books - not necessarily a character, they just got her excited about all things vampire. She spent months on it. I have nowhere near that patience or creativity. Notice my cliche witch costume.



The Clark said...

ha ha. i was just thinking today about the tough pirate costume. is the obsession over??!!

The Rennakers: said...

it's waning, but not entirely gone. he's just branching out.

Karalenn Hippen said...

That was so fun to read all this Halloween stuff. I don't think I've ever seen that picture of me about to bite your neck. ewww- freaky.:) What fun.