Thursday, January 3, 2008

Recovery Complete

Is it just me or is it hard to recover from a vacation? Getting back to normal takes a little time. I always try to leave my house in tip top shape when we leave town so that I can come home to cleanliness and order - but why? It turns into chaos within 15 minutes of being home.
First there's the laundry volcano that erupts from the crammed suitcases - even though I did it all before we packed up to come home! Then there's the creative meal whipped together from the meager cupboard contents and the impending HUGE grocery trip to restock. Sprinkled throughout is the messed up sleep schedule - translating into overtired kids who don't sleep in and are suddenly bored out of their tree because there are no cousins to play with 'round the clock. Then you deal with mail and bills and emails and all the stuff you ignored while you were gone. Then, my favorite part . . . your husband has to go back to his normal routine, abandoning you with the children!!!!!!

It's rough. But - it is predictable, so you just deal and get back into it. That's how Stacie got her groove back.


The Clark said...


and yeah for posting again so soon!!

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

Ditto to that post! Why do you think I snuck away to meet you and Jenny at the park 2 minutes after returning home? Nobody likes getting back to reality and responsibility ALONE!

Lori said...

Still working on my groove...

The Barkers said...

I so understand have a husband that works nights half the week and the other half stays up to maintain that. Thing will get better when he is done!!! :O)