Saturday, December 29, 2007

Yesterday was Plain Awful

You can say that again.

Yesterday was plane awful.

It was. And you may say, "Stacie, you're prone to exaggeration." And I'll rightly admit I have a dramatic flair for storytelling - but this time it's just a black and white fact: yesterday was plain awful. Because of a plane. Well, actually multiple planes. I suppose I should expound even though my shoulders tense up just remembering the harrowing details.

Let's just say it involved a rowdy drive in heavy snow, security check (which I hate!!! love the end, hate the means. must we take all of our shoes off? must I remove the peacefully sleeping baby from his carseat and put his blankets in the scummy gray bins? do we have to toss all of our water? it's so annoying!) hours of delayed flights, kids sleeping on the Vegas airport floor, paying a taxi for a ride home so our friend could go to bed, and hitting the pillow at 2:15am.

That should suffice. Seriously, in the taxi on the way home - with soft armenian chatter in the background, watching the meter go from 26.75 to 28. 85 - I felt my jaw slacken and realized that it had been clenched for the previous 13 hours. And although deep down I know this isn't true, it just makes me feel better to say that I will never fly again!!! Curse Southwest Airlines and whoever made the decision to give our plane to the flight heading into Orange County because they have a curfew and LAX doesn't!!!

Phew! I feel better. My back still hurts, but I'm over the rest. Ya know why? Because . . .

The sun'll come out . . . tomorrow!!! So ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow!


Kristen said...

Oh man! Welcome back! Flying with kids is rough - and i've never had to take 3.


Nicki said...

uugghhh! I feel your pain sister. My worst was having a layover in Alb, NM, with the 3, by myself, hanging out, suddenly realizing I forgot to change my watch to the local time, that our plane was leaving right then. Jumping up, screaming to run, Lauren pushing the stroller, Christian grabbing the carry ons, me the diaper bag. Running down the terminal in wedge sandles and falling flat on my face, like we weren't enough of a spectacle!

The Clark said...

oh i DO hope your supposed blogging dedication comes to pass because your stuff is such a pleasure to read!

i definitely know the pain of the travels you endured. it can only be made worse by listening to the boemer accent all the way from creston to spokane ;)

and i miss that little miniature overweighty (sp?) in the basement. if the flood comes i hope i can make it to lulas!
