Monday, January 28, 2008

So behind

Yes, I know. I'm really backed up in my blogging. All you die-hards are secretly judging and chastising my lack of commitment to my blog.

Well, here's the deal.

In addition to the really busy life that is swirling around me, my attempts to live more efficiently in this new year have shaken up my priorities a wee bit - bumping blogging a little lower on the totem. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to do all this posting WHEN I magically get 5 consecutive minutes to sit at my computer before midnight - but realistically that rarely happens in the absence of other, higher priority activities demanding my attention.

Thus I have to roll up the nagging guilt incurred over not posting lately, place it in my hand, and blow it away. I will post perhaps in binge episodes when the kids are whisked away by daddy for a few minutes or when I get post-bedtime computer access (Darren is done with part 2 boards, so that might happen again soon :) ) But otherwise - don't give up on me, just lower your expectations a bit. I'm not going for "loser" status, just upper-end mediocrity. I try not to kill my self esteem by holding myself to perfection level standards in all areas of my life - just the super important ones - you know, like . . . um, the "hair fixing" area, the "faucet cleaning" area, and above all the "using a blinker" area.

And while I'm soap-boxing, I must add that I am a little - well, repulsed is a strong term, but it's along those lines - by all those blogs out there that seem to have been contracted out by a public relations firm. Are they selling something, i.e. the idea that they are perfect and their life is so utterly idyllic that they don't even need to shop for deodorant or mouthwash? I can't even attempt to market that idea because anyone who knows me is aware that I am REAL and mercilessly self-depricating if anything. So consequently my blog is as well. No offense to those of you attempting to perpetuate the modern myth of the perfect hot mom, but I'm not gonna read your blog. It's boring. Truthfully, I have no time for bloghopping anymore, but if I did I wouldn't read it. (Feel the love JLC).

ENUF!!!! Time to let go of this thrice saved draft. Blow away!


The Barkers said...

So glad to see you back:o). I so understand all the other priorities in your life. As i am behind it my blog also dont get down on yourself you are amazing to me in how you keep it all together with three boys. I have 2 and i feel crazy at times.
LOL And I miss ya!!

Nicki said...

Holy cow - I'm just impressed with the fact you even started a blog. And I too have read some of those perfect life, perfect mom blogs, GIVE ME A BREAK. Life is not a page out of Pottery Barn and J Crew all rolled together!!! I had to stop blog hopping too, cause I felt lame for a while, seeing how they shop at the farmers market for fresh veggies each morning, after eating a homemade, whole grain organic muffin breakfast, then stop to play at the beach where they found huge perfect sea shells, then with the doll that they ordered online special made from children in Africa, to support AIDS Relief, followed by...stop me before I go crazy!!! Fortunatly my lameness lasted only for about 30 seconds, and you know what? My kids are happy with cinnamon life and toys from Wal-mart and so am I. We certinly don't look like we walked out of J Crew, though I can't say I don't sometimes wish we did ;) Anyway, that's my little rant and rave, and yes life has us twist and turn all different ways, I'm still trying to do the swish and swipe each morning, (thank you fly-lady)
luv U!

Karalenn Hippen said...

Okay. So I will try not to be offended by you not liking to read my blog because I'm so perfect- hahaha. :) YOu and I both know that I can be too analytical at times, but I have often thought of how blogging and commenting etc. is kind of like the little wooden Whimmic people in that Punchinello book (Or something like that) where we give each other stars or dots for what we can show for ourselves and I ask myself each time I post something, "Am I doing this for a star from someone else? Because if so, I need to not spend any time posting pictures of fun things we are doing and just spend time with my kids." Then I remember that I really like it when my family, friends etc. see our kids growing and what we are up to and I tell myself to stop being such a lunatic. Anyway, my point... I'm glad you have your priorities straight. You have littler ones than me and so don't have the same amount of time to be on the internet like some of us pathetic people do. :) Well- I guess this could have been a post on my own blog it's so long. Love ya!

Anita said...

My house is always a mess, my dishes are piling up, my kids are grumpy and hungry--but hey, my blog is always updated! It's all about priorities, Stacie(:

The Clark said...

haha! ditto anita! man, you made me a little self conscious about my own writings. i hope i'm not lumped in with those "my life is perfect" blogs. cuz it's certainly not, but i do try to record the good things. not for stars (usually) but for recording our history. i think if that is the intent, it's okay to talk about the wonderfulness of your life. it does make it a little bizarre though that you put it out in cyberspace for the world to see. can seem a little braggy.

ANYWAY, what i really want to say (is are you gonna go my way) is that you should write a book. you are really talented.

Beth said...

Shesh Nicki! Write a novel why don't ya! Just call Stacie already! Stacie Life is never perfect, and I'm glad that your blog reflects that! And oh, yeah, just kidding nicki!

Kristen said...

my deeply rooted insecurities are screaming at me right now.

but there is nothing perfect about my blog. so, I'm totally safe, right? despite the plethora of recent product links....

*bites nails*

*cries a little*