Monday, April 14, 2008

Just in Time, eh?

Looks like we're headin' out of Dodge just in time. Check out this article packed with stats about the high probability of quakes in the near future of good old Southern California.

And the ladies at Target looked at me like I was loco when Dalton told them we were making an emergency earthquake kit. Who's loco now? HUH? Yeah, that's right.

But seriously, they're reporting this as though it's groundbreaking, jawdropping information. As if every single person who lives in Southern California, or the entire state for that matter, isn't painfully aware of the impending doom awaiting. They've been predicting "the big one" for eons. We send little earthquake kits to preschool with family pictures and beef jerky and a toy. We have little teasers quakes to keep us on our toes and remind us not to get too comfy. We just choose to pretend that it's not a serious threat so that we can get through the day. My mom warned me to sleep with clothes and shoes near the bed so just in case it's in the middle of the night we won't be caught unaware. I don't. Denial is a beautiful thing.


Nicki said...

I love the broad time span they have given the forcasted quake. Where is Eli Stone when you need him? BTY, we are glad you are out of there too, but for more selfish reasons. We'll get to see you more, yea!!!(who cares about your safety. lol)

Anita said...

Not good news for the rest of us "Californians" :(

Julie said...

I to would want to move on if those are the odds!

Karalenn Hippen said...

Well that's just terrible. Seth wants to get us back there within the next year. sigh

Julie said...

I dont know if you love to bake like Beth but I made these awsome lemon cookies, I put the info on my shared blog, so yummy

Anonymous said...

Here we are Stacie...
nice blog! The boys are so grown up (well, mostly Dalton since he's who I remember most). I want to see more pics of Cali, you and Darren! Post 'em girl!
