Tuesday, November 6, 2007

California Dreamin'

On Saturday we all headed out to one of my favorite spots, the beach - a place I've been missing because I didn't get to spend much time there over the summer. (I was rather huge pregnant and then purdy busy with a newborn) Well, since it's clearly too chilly now to do the waterplay, it's time for other kinds of fun - like strollerblading. It's been years since I got Darren to put on his rollerblades, so this was a treat.

Baby Davis and I enjoying the sunset by Venice playground.

Mom: "Dalton, look at me and smile."
Dalton: "Not now mom, I need to watch the road."
He's learning bike path ettiquette.

Dane and Davis all snuggly in the stroller. Dane was pretty upset at first that he couldn't ride his trike (holy smokes, that would take forever!), but we finally convinced him it would be more fun this way. He sure doesn't look like he's having fun, but that's only because he's almost asleep. Just a nice side effect of a stroller ride.
So nice that Dalton can ride his bike. He was cranky earlier in the afternoon and was in such a better mood as we got going. Reminds me of that part in Legally Blonde when she says "Exercise gives people endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. And happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't." Classic.


Marsh Family said...

Looks so fun. You have such a darling family! Looks like Darren survived the roller blades. At least I didn't notice him limping at church....

Anita said...

Wow Stacie, were you taking pictures while roller blading?! You must be good!

Sam said...

I was kind of hoping for some nice shots of Darren's legs. Work on that for next time, ok? Thanks.

The Barkers said...

Stacie i am with you on the beach i love it . looks like you all had fun. Im glad darren didnt get hurt you know he needs his hands!!Davis looks alot like you what a lucky kid Miss ya all