Saturday, November 3, 2007

Goodbye Halloween

It's been done for days, but here are the boys in their costumes.

1. Davis the "Jack-o-Lantern", minus the interior candle - although he does have a radiant inner light ;). He wanted to be Freddy Krueger, but I thought it might scare Dane.
2. Dane, aka - "Harry Potter". I had to take away the spectacles a few weeks ago to keep him from breaking them (from constant handling), so he hasn't been impersonating the wizard lately. (phew!) But when his Harry alterego reemerged, it was very cute.

3. Dalton as "Indiana Jones". Not a lot of kids knew exactly who this was this year, but I'm sure with the new movie coming out next year we'll see Dr. Jones a lot more. Now that Dalton is tall enough to ride the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, he thinks he's pretty cool (although the ride freaked him out a little).

4. Darren - Daddy gone Mummy. We had our friends the Merrells over and all the boys (they have 3 as well) mummified their dads. This is Aaron and Darren hamming it up for them as they all ran away screaming.

Goodbye Halloween! See you next year.


Nicki said...

They all look great! Halloween is so fun, the magic is still there as adults it seems. I want to be Malibu Barbie next year! (HA-snort, once upon a time that could have been...)

The Rennakers: said...

you could do it nicki. remember, barbie's little sister is stacie!

The Clark said...

wait! there's a new indiana jones flick coming out next year? tell me more. who is playing the dr?

envisioning dalton on that ride made me want to crawl into a hole and die cuz i don't know when the next time i'll be able to go to disneyland is and i am sooo jonesing!

The Rennakers: said...

dr. jones will be none other than mr. harrison ford - uuhvvv course.
some are calling it 'indiana jones and the lost dentures' or some other clever geriatric slur.

of d-land, dane has been talking about the matterhorn all day. we need to head down - it's been a couple weeks. he's a little short, but i think we'll have him wear his cowboy boots. reminds me of stuffing lily's shoes with napkins.

The Clark said...

ha ha ha!!!

Kristen said...

the boys look so! awesome!