Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baby Love

Here's another picture of little baby Davis. (it's hard not to say 'Baby Davy' - but I will not! I must not!) He is a cutie pie, but I'm not biased or anything. He's already changing so much and as I watch him grow and then read through the older boys' baby calendars, I realize that this time I have with him as a tiny baby is so fleeting in comparison to what the future holds. I just wish I could stop time ("I'm Mr. Time! Stop Time!" -Seth Manning) and savor the present. I just feel like life keeps me hopping all the time and before I know it, my baby (my first baby, Dalton) is telling me he wants an ipod. (he really did. he said he needs it?!)

So, I just have to take a minute to bask in the love I have for my kids!
Dalton will always be my baby - he broke me in as a mommy. Dane will always be my baby - he still loves to be held and smell his blankie. Davis will always be my baby - that's all I know him as thus far, and he may be my last baby, actually. (Well, talk to me in a couple years.) But nevertheless, no matter how big they get or how obnoxious they might act - these boys are my babies. I grew them in my belly. I see them at their absolute sweetest and most innocent moments. I cheer for their triumphs and I cry for their frustrations. I am immersed in being their mother and I wouldn't trade that for anything.


Kristen said...

i can't believe how much he has grown already! ohmygoodness! your boys all look so much alike - how fun is that? "there go those rennaker boys..." :)

oretta said...

Stacie, I feel your words. We Love you guys so much. Davis is getting so big and handsome. I hope we can meet up before Christmas. Dalton wanting an ipod cracks me up. Cannon wants braces. Now that is crazy!!!

Karalenn Hippen said...

Oh Stacie! You little stinker... you made me cry.

The Clark said...

soo cute! and thanks for the mr. time reminder! ha! i can just see sethy with the alarm clock face taped over his eyes.

The Barkers said...

Oh Stacie, He is so beautiful just like the others!!