Saturday, September 15, 2007

Big Bear

Holy Smokes!

Well, I missed out on the family camping trip. I LOVE to camp - from tent life to the s'mores to the cheesy campfire bonding. This year's trip was not to be missed; we were headed to Big Bear with a bunch of friends and their kiddos for a weekend of dirty camping fun.

But alas - I had to stay home. It was a last minute decision that boiled down to the fact that Davis (2 months old now) is really congested and sleeping in 40 degree temps would most likely give him something or lead quickly to something else. I don't want to be a hypochondriac, but seriously - why get your new baby sick when you can prevent it? Not to mention that the night before our departure the aforementioned congestion stole all my sleep as well as Davis's . This resulted in a fussy baby, a nasty migraine and voila! . . . I didn't go camping.

So I'm here at home missing my boys. I've already called about 8 times (yes, we actually get reception up there!) Dane puked twice on the drive up then pooped in his underwear - either because he was too busy playing or has no idea where to put it. But things have settled down and they're having a blast. (Darren is too, I'm SURE!)

This afternoon they all headed into town to do the alpine slides and buy a new toothbrush for Darren. He just loves to brush. (actually, I neglected to pack his - oops!) He called me when they got back to the campground to say that the Rangers won't let them back bcuz of a fire threatening the area. Darren said they saw the beginnings of it yesterday when they pulled in, but it wasn't a problem because of the winds, blah blah blah. But now they're being evacuated? Scary.

And yet all I can think about is all our stuff! Do we ditch it? Am I selfish?

Well, I'm checking the Big Bear webcam and forest fire updates to make sure my men make it home alive.

And now Davis is telling me to get off the dang computer in his sooo subtle way.


Karalenn Hippen said...

Well I'm glad you weren't stuck up there in the fires and with a baby that would probably get sick. I would miss my little family too. I miss all you guys so much. Wish we could have joined you guys this year up there. Did Brett and Elena come again this year?

The Clark said...

wait...i need the ending. what ended up happening? don't leave me hanging like this!

i am loving all the posting you are doing.

The Rennakers: said...

no, unfortunately the gassaways didn't make it. it sounded pretty memorable, though. it would've been 'funner' with you all there, i'm sure!

and yeah, i guess i should give some closure! okay, i'll post.