Sunday, October 14, 2007

Spooky Spider

K - we've got this CRAZY HUGE spider trying to squat on our property. He moved in last week and set up this ginormous web, starting making a killing in the bug catchin' biz, and totally didn't even ask if we were into subletting! Now he's got a couple more webs set up - they're about as thick as yarn- and even invited his lady friend to move in. They're spread all over like they own the place and frankly, we're done putting up with it.

Yesterday Darren went out and was like "Hey spidey, we gotta talk. No offense, i know it's your schtick - but all the wrapped up dead bugs and your freaky size body are scaring the kids." (not to mention the fact that Dane's trike is stuck in that monster web and he really wants to ride it. rude!)

Mr. Spiderman was completely nonresponsive, like he didn't even care that we pay out the ying for rent on this place and he's way overstayed his welcome - uninvited in the first place!!! So we had to evict him. We didn't squish, but we did relocate him and his lady - and then vigorously remove his halloween decorations with a gusto spray from the water hose. So long dude.

Darren's thumb for size reference. He's saying "thumbs up, my friend. we like you and all, but we have our own problems, so move on."

His arrival was seasonally appropriate - I love halloween. And he gave a good scary showing, but I'm just not into arachnid-neighbors.


The Clark said...

dude, haven't you seen charlotte's web? those webs are a labor of LOVE man! well, at least you didn't kill him.

gross. you put up with him longer than i could.

oretta said...

Darren never could kill a spider. When we were little you would hear him walking out to the front door, open it and let the little crawlers go free. Such a soft hearted boy.

Seth Hippen said...

Cool spider! Too bad he had to go. I thought I saw the image of Mary on his abdomen. You could have charged admission and paid your rent for awhile.

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

That's funny because I have two of those very same spiders outside my house. Clara calls them Charlotte, and I call them halloween decorations! But today, I had to kill them when I got tangled in their new web and that big spider was almost crawling on me! Ughh

Beth said...

Nasty! Unless that eight legged creepy crawler starts spelling things out in his web... he's gots to go!!!